List of Nepenthes literature

This list of Nepenthes literature is a listing of major published works dealing with the tropical pitcher plants of the genus Nepenthes. It includes specialised standalone publications and taxonomic monographs released as part of larger works, but excludes regular journal and magazine articles.

Unless otherwise indicated, all information on individual publications is sourced from them directly. Works are listed chronologically by year of first publication.


Standalone publications

This list includes all works published as standalone books or booklets, with the exception of children's literature, which is listed separately below.

Name Author(s) Year Language Publisher Pages Additional information Reviews
Nepenthes of Mount Kinabalu Shigeo Kurata 1976 English Sabah National Parks Trustees 80 significantly contributed to popular interest in Nepenthes[3] see article
The Pitcher Plant: Nepenthes khasiana Renu Prova Momin Bordoloi 1977 English Dutta Baruah 59 part of the Carnivorous Plants of North East India series; 5 pages of plates not included in page count
Pitcher Plants of Peninsular Malaysia & Singapore Roger Shivas 1984 English Maruzen Asia xii + 58 24 pages of plates not included in page count "It was the author's intention to make this book serve as a field guide and he succeeded in this by giving us good closeup pictures of upper, lower and sometimes intermediate pitchers of all 12 species that are described. Although the book is small, and ideal for field use, it does not lack any of the essential information that one needs to use in finding these plants and admiring them."[4]
The Grief Vanishing – Nepenthes[5]
(無憂草 – Nepenthes Mu Yū kusa – Nepenthes?)
Tetsuya Oikawa 1992 Japanese Parco Co. 66 part of the Jungle Books series "1 to 9 photos of each mentioned species, information on morphology and functions of Nepenthes. The photos are so beautiful that at least Nepenthes enthusiasts should have this book."[5]
Pitcher-Plants of Borneo Anthea Phillipps & Anthony Lamb 1996 English Natural History Publications (Borneo) x + 171 strongly focused on botanical and horticultural history; mainly illustrated with watercolour paintings by Susan M. Phillipps see article
Nepenthes of Borneo Charles Clarke 1997, 2006
English Natural History Publications (Borneo) xii + 207 ecological and taxonomic monograph see article
Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia Charles Clarke 2001 English Natural History Publications (Borneo) x + 326 ecological and taxonomic monograph; 1 new species described see article
A Guide to the Pitcher Plants of Sabah Charles Clarke 2001 English Natural History Publications (Borneo) iv + 40 field guide "The photos are simply incredible, and the book covers important information such as natural habitats. Indeed, it is somewhat like a condensed version of "Nepenthes of Borneo", but rewritten in less scientific language."[6]
A Guide to the Pitcher Plants of Peninsular Malaysia Charles Clarke 2002 English Natural History Publications (Borneo) iv + 32 field guide "As usual for one of Clarke's books, the text is concise, well written and accurate. But overshadowing the text is the photography, which is truly beautiful as well as illustrative of the essential characters of each species and hybrid."[7]
Borneo: Its Mountains and Lowlands with their Pitcher Plants Hugo Steiner 2002 English Toihaan Publishing Company viii + 136 mainly illustrated with photographs taken by the author between 1992 and 2002 "People looking for an interesting but not too technical or scientific work on Borneo and its pitcher plants would especially benefit from this book. [...] The aesthetic aspect remains very good despite two or three low quality photographs [...]"[8][9]
Pitcher Plants of Sarawak Charles Clarke & Ch'ien Lee 2004 English Natural History Publications (Borneo) vi + 81 pocket field guide; mainly illustrated with photographs by Ch'ien Lee "This is a wonderful introduction to the species that grow in this area and is in full colour. With an introduction to Nepenthes, the 25 species plus an environmental examination it whets your appetite to want to visit this area or at least grow the plants."[10]

"As usual with Clarke's books, the photographs are excellent."[5]

The Nepenthaceae of the Netherlands Indies B. H. Danser 2006 English Natural History Publications (Borneo) vi + 206 reprint of the 1928 monograph; includes 15-page introduction by Charles Clarke[11] see article
A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra Hernawati & Pitra Akhriadi 2006 English PILI-NGO Movement xiv + 94 field guide; result of research program funded by BP "[...] a short book presenting basic information on thirty-one Sumatran taxa [...] The quality of the paper, printing and images is perhaps a little low, but given the very meagre funds available to produce this book, this is understandable."[12]
Nepenthes: Kantong Semar Yang Unik Muhammad Mansur 2006 Indonesian Penebar Swadaya iv + 100
Trubus Info Kit: Nepenthes Onny Untung (chief editor) 2006 Indonesian PT Trubus Swadaya iv + 284 strongly focused on cultivation; English e-book also available
Pitcher Plants of Borneo, Second Edition Anthea Phillipps, Anthony Lamb & Ch'ien Lee 2008 English Natural History Publications (Borneo) viii + 298 much expanded second edition; strongly focused on botanical and horticultural history; includes many photographs by Ch'ien Lee see article
ร้อยพรรณพฤกษา ไม้กินแมลง หม้อข้าวหม้อแกงลิง Suwarun Suphawut 2009[a] Thai เศรษฐศิลป์ 112 strongly focused on cultivation and horticultural hybrids
Pitcher Plants of the Old World (2 volumes) Stewart McPherson 2009 English Redfern Natural History Productions xvi + 1399 also covers Cephalotus follicularis; 1 new species described see article
The Malaysian Nepenthes: Evolutionary and Taxonomic Perspectives Chris Thorogood 2010 English Nova Science Publishers vi + 158 part of the Botanical Research and Practices Series series
Nepenthes della Thailandia: Diario di viaggio Marcello Catalano 2010 Italian self-published 207 travel diary; 4 new species described "In a narrative style that only Italians master (“se non è vero, è ben trovato”), the author describes his remarkable experience from roughly a decade of training and research both at herbaria and in the field. [...] The diversity of the genus in Thailand as featured in the present book is far greater than expressed by any previous author."[13]
Field Guide to the Pitcher Plants of the Philippines Stewart McPherson & Victor B. Amoroso 2011 English Redfern Natural History Productions 61 field guide

Monographs published as part of larger works

This list includes major monographs that were not released as standalone publications. In the case of journal articles and book chapters, the parent publication is indicated in brackets.

Only the primary prosaic language is listed for each publication, although many of the earlier monographs also include substantial portions of Latin text in the form of taxon descriptions. Some of the taxa formally described in these monographs are not considered taxonomically valid today.

Name Author(s) Year Language Format Pages Additional information Reviews
"Over het geslacht Nepenthes" Pieter Willem Korthals 1839 Dutch part of Verhandelingen over de Natuurlijke Geschiedenis der Nederlandsche overzeesche bezittingen 44 generally regarded as the first monograph on Nepenthes;[1][2] 3 new species described
"Über die Gattung Nepenthes besonders in Rücksicht auf ihre physiologische Eigenthümlichkeit" Ernst Wunschmann 1872 German doctoral thesis (Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Berlin); published by Buchdruckerei von Gustav Schade (Otto Francke) 50 sometimes considered the first monograph on Nepenthes[14]
"Nepenthaceae" Joseph Dalton Hooker 1873 Latin part of the seventeenth volume of Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis 16 7 new species described; primarily focused on new discoveries from northern Borneo[14][15]
"Die Gattung Nepenthes" Günther Beck von Mannagetta und Lerchenau 1895 German journal article (Wiener Illustrirte Garten-Zeitung) 46 published in 4 parts; 4 new species described; 1 new species combination
"Nepenthaceae" John Muirhead Macfarlane 1908 English part of Das Pflanzenreich 91 8 new species described; includes detailed accounts of structure, anatomy, and development see article
"The Nepenthaceae of the Netherlands Indies" B. H. Danser 1928 English journal article (Bulletin du Jardin Botanique de Buitenzorg) 190 widely considered the most important monograph on Nepenthes;[1][14][15] 17 new species described see article
"Nepenthaceae" Hermann Harms 1936 German part of Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien 38 similar to Danser's treatment[11][14]
"Nepenthes di Sumatera: The genus Nepenthes of the Sumatra Island" Rusjdi Tamin & Mitsuru Hotta 1986 English book chapter (Diversity and Dynamics of Plant Life in Sumatra 1) 35 3 new species described (originally nomina nuda as they were published without Latin diagnoses)[15]
"Pitcher-plants of East Malaysia and Brunei" Anthea Phillipps & Anthony Lamb 1988 English journal article (Nature Malaysiana) 20 includes 80 colour photographs
"An account of Nepenthes in New Guinea" Matthew Jebb 1991 English journal article (Science in New Guinea) 48 includes a survey of pitcher prey assemblages see article
"A skeletal revision of Nepenthes (Nepenthaceae)" Matthew Jebb & Martin Cheek 1997 English journal article (Blumea) 106 6 new species described; 1 new species combination see article
"Nepenthaceae" Martin Cheek & Matthew Jebb 2001 English fifteenth volume of Flora Malesiana iv + 157 only covers species native to Malesia see article

Children's literature

Name Author(s) Year Language Publisher Pages Additional information Reviews
Jack & the Carnivorous Pitcher Plant Tan Wee Kiat & Amy Sabrielo 1999 English Landmark Books 83 illustrated by Lesley Gan; dust jacket folds out into a Nepenthes-themed board game


a.^ Year 2552 in the Thai solar calendar.


  1. ^ a b c Clarke, C.M. 1997. Nepenthes of Borneo. Natural History Publications (Borneo), Kota Kinabalu.
  2. ^ a b Phillips, A., A. Lamb & C.C. Lee 2008. Pitcher Plants of Borneo. Second Edition. Natural History Publications (Borneo), Kota Kinabalu.
  3. ^ Shivas, R.G. 1984. Pitcher Plants of Peninsular Malaysia & Singapore. Maruzen Asia, Kuala Lumpur.
  4. ^ [Anonymous] 1984. Book review. Carnivorous Plant Newsletter 13(2): 54.
  5. ^ a b c Ivo's Book List. The Carnivorous Plant FAQ.
  6. ^ Catalani, M. 2003. Book review. Carnivorous Plant Newsletter 32(1): 10.
  7. ^ Rice, B. 2003. Book review. Carnivorous Plant Newsletter 32(4): 112.
  8. ^ Hartmeyer, S.R.H. 2003. Book review. Carnivorous Plant Newsletter 32(3): 68.
  9. ^ (German) Hartmeyer, S.R.H. 2003. Ein neues Buch zum Thema Nepenthes in englischer Sprache. Das Taublatt 47(3): 22–23.
  10. ^ [Anonymous] 2005. A new Nepenthes book.PDF Victorian Carnivorous Plant Society Journal 75: 18.
  11. ^ a b Clarke, C.M. 2006. Introduction. In: Danser, B.H. The Nepenthaceae of the Netherlands Indies. Natural History Publications (Borneo), Kota Kinabalu. pp. 1–15.
  12. ^ Clarke, C. 2007. Book review. Carnivorous Plant Newsletter 36(3): 72.
  13. ^ Schlauer, J. 2010. Book review. Carnivorous Plant Newsletter 39(2): 61.
  14. ^ a b c d McPherson, S.R. 2009. Pitcher Plants of the Old World. 2 volumes. Redfern Natural History Productions, Poole.
  15. ^ a b c Clarke, C.M. 2001. Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia. Natural History Publications (Borneo), Kota Kinabalu.

External links